Welcome to Better Brodhead’s Virtual Wellness Fair
This year more than any other year, we all need to focus on wellness. The pandemic has put limitations on all of us, and create much anxiety and stress over a prolonged period of time.
A wellness fair helps us to rekindle our spirit and build our resilience to see us all through to the end of this pandemic.
This wellness fair, although virtual, has been put together with the help of many community partners, some of which have shared videos about wellness. Others have shared worksheets or online resources to provide a repertoire of strategies you might want to try. We are all in this together, and together we can create positive ways to improve the quality of our lives.
The wellness fair is a family event and is meant as a way for parents and children to discover what they can do individually and as a family to take care of their health and wellbeing.
The Eight Dimensions of Wellness
A wide range of areas encompass wellness. Eight dimensions of wellness provide a holistic approach to our wellbeing. This step-by-step guide to wellness can help define each dimension but also provides worksheets for you to develop your own plans.
Each of the eight dimensions of wellness are represented on the buttons/links below that are linked to separate pages focusing on those dimensions.
After exploring the information on a dimension, you can click the go back button to return to the main wellness fair page and choose another dimension to explore.
We hope you find these pages useful in your journey to better health and wellbeing.
Youth Art Contest
Better Brodhead recently sponsored an art contest for youth to create a drawing that represented what they do to stay healthy.