Better Brodhead receives funding and support from many sources, including:
Mental Health Awareness Training Grant (MHAT)
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) awarded Better Brodhead a $500,000 4-year Mental Health Awareness Training grant (MHAT) on 31 December 2022. The purpose of this project is to: (1) train individuals (e.g., school personnel, emergency first responders, law enforcement, veterans, armed services members, and their families) to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental disorders, severe mental illness, and/or serious emotional disturbances; (2) establish linkages with school- and/or community-based mental health agencies to refer individuals with the signs or symptoms of mental illness to appropriate services; (3) train emergency services personnel, law enforcement, fire department personnel, veterans, and others to identify persons with a mental disorder and employ crisis de-escalation techniques; and (4) educate individuals about resources that are available in the community for individuals with a mental disorder.
Better Brodhead will implement this project by providing three levels of training over the next four years in Green and Lafayette Counties to prepare and train people on how to respond to individuals appropriately and safely. The grant funds will enable Better Brodhead to offer these trainings free of charge. For more information, contact
The Drug-Free Communities Program (DFC)
Better Brodhead was awarded a five-year Drug-Free Communities Program grant in 2016. This Federal grant program provides funding to community-based coalitions that focus on youth substance use prevention. The philosophy behind the DFC Program is that local drug problems require local solutions. Funding is focused on environmental strategies implemented within the Brodhead School District area.
Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act (STOP)
Better Brodhead was awarded the STOP Act grant in May 2020 to address those environmental conditions that put LGBTQ+ youth aged 12-20 at risk for alcohol use. The Green County Youth Risk Behavior Survey data revealed that LGBTQ+ youth were at greater risk for negative health outcomes. When compared to the majority population, SAMHSA (the Substance and Mental Health Services Association) recognizes that the LGBTQ+ population has additional stress from instances of trauma regarding their sexuality or gender. This stress/trauma can include family rejection, stigma, bullying, harassment, and stereotyping, among other things. Better Brodhead was awarded this grant in to order to help reduce health disparities by improving service delivery through professional development
opportunities, offering ways for families to support their LGBTQ+ youth and working with LGBTQ+ students in their schools to have their voices heard.
The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA)
Better Brodhead is one of 65 coalitions nationally and one of only three coalitions in Wisconsin to be awarded this grant on June 30, 2021. The program aims to prevent and reduce opioid or methamphetamine use and the misuse of prescription medications among youth ages 12-18 in communities throughout the United States. Better Brodhead will be addressing local conditions that put Hispanic youth in Green County at risk for drug use.
State Opioid Response (SOR)
The program aims to address the opioid crisis by increasing access to medication-assisted treatment using the three FDA-approved medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder, reducing unmet treatment need, and reducing opioid overdose-related deaths through the provision of prevention, treatment, and recovery activities for opioid use disorder (OUD) (including illicit use of prescription opioids, heroin, and fentanyl and fentanyl analogs). This program also supports evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery support services to address stimulant misuse and use disorders, including cocaine and methamphetamine.
Brodhead Area Community Foundation
Better Brodhead was awarded a grant in 2016 to implement the Strengthening Families Program. Strengthening Families is an evidence-based program for families with children aged 10-14.
Alliance for Wisconsin Youth
The Alliance for Wisconsin Youth (AWY) brings together coalitions, individuals, and resources for a common goal that affects young people through the promotion of positive youth development. Over 90 AWY coalition members support this goal of preventing substance abuse and behavioral health concerns with the mission to enhance and support those Alliance coalitions in their prevention efforts and youth development work. Better Brodhead receives funds to strengthen local efforts. Funds received from AWY expand the reach of prevention efforts beyond the Brodhead School District area.
The community has been very generous in its donations toward an annual community supper that is used as a platform for an educational prevention event.
Kristin Mitchell Design
Better Brodhead was the recipient of Kristen Mitchell Design‘s Design for the Greater Good program that provided free design services for one year.,