Safe Zone Trained

Safe Zone Training

Q:  What is Safe Zone Training?

A:  Safe Zone Training is an opportunity to learn more about LGBTQ+ identities, terminology, and issues.  

Q:  Who takes Safe Zone Training?

A:  Anyone and everyone who is interested in knowing more about the LGBTQ+ community! It can be done in person or virtually.

Q:  I have LGBTQ+ questions, but I don’t want to be judged if I ask them.

A:  Safe Zone Training is a safe space to ask questions, learn, and discuss in a non-judgmental environment.

Q:  How long is Safe Zone Training?

A:  Generally the training will take three hours.  There are seven activities that naturally encourage discussion.  The training is usually done in one day, but it is possible to do three 1-hour sessions.  To earn a Safe Zone Certificate, you must complete all the activities with the facilitator.

Q:  When is the next Safe Zone Training?

A:  The Safe Zone Trainings can be found on the Better Brodhead Facebook page or the Green County Pride Facebook Group page.  Private Safe Zone Trainings can be scheduled for you and your friends, or a group you are involved with.

Contact Jen at

Rainbow flag

Better Brodhead is awarded a new grant to support LGBTQ+ youth in Green County

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), awarded the Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act (STOP Act) 2019 to Better Brodhead, a community coalition in Green County.

The goal of the STOP Act program is to prevent and reduce alcohol use among youth and young adults ages 12-20.  Better Brodhead will focus it’s efforts on reducing the risk factors that put LGBTQ+ youth at risk for underage drinking.

This is a 4 year grant, providing $50,000 per year for these prevention efforts in Green County.  For more information about this grant and Better Brodhead activities, please contact Kathy Comeau, Program Manager at